Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's my lucky day!

Last week I was reading Me in Millions, the personal finance blog of a 20-something in Virginia. I love that I read PF blogs around the country and that we "know" each other, even though none of us really do. :) Her blog is great and I recommend it! Anyway, she had her first giveaway, a $60 gift certificate to, which sells just about everything. I entered and (if you haven't guessed), I won!! I'm so excited!

I actually planned on buying a pair of Aerosole wedge sandals, but upon further research I ended up with these Naturalizer black flats:
I love Naturalizer shoes-so comfortable, but also cute and really well made. Black flats are on my to buy old pair are falling apart and these are a staple of my work wardrobe. They were $57.40, and since the gift card was one time use, I felt good about using almost the whole amount, but not spending any of my own money. I haven't shopped since last August (minus a gift card at Christmas), so it was fun to browse through the site and get to pick out something for free! Plus, I am happy with the purchase-cute and when I finally get out of credit card debt I will have more money to buy other things that I want/need since the black flats can be crossed off the list. Hurray! And thanks again to Me in Millions! :)


  1. Congrats! I won a $50 gift card the other day on The Frugal Girl and I was so excited! I'm definitely using it to buy new clothes for work. New shoes may end up being the final purchase though. I like the ones you picked! Super cute!

  2. Congratulations! What a nice gift. I've been reading Personal finance blogs for a little while now but have never commented before on any - kinda shy I guess. So this is the first time. I've been reading your blog for a few months and I really enjoy it. I live in Canada, and decided to try my hand setting up a blog - I'm such a newbie at this, it's nothing fancy, but check it out if you would like to - it's

  3. I'm so glad one of my regular readers won! :)
