Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Leftover ingredients are the mother of invention

The thing about posting about a meal that I improvised out of random ingredients is that it's only helpful if you randomly have all the same leftover ingredients that I do. But pretend that you do and you can make mushroom tacos! A restaurant near my house has these as a vegetarian option and they are great. Here's my version, invented today...

1 onion
1 clove of garlic
sliced bella mushrooms (leftover from the ones I put in my chicken salad)
the last dregs of some Trader Joe's salsa
2 flour tortillas
A small handful of cheese
sour cream

Saute chopped, onion, garlic, and mushrooms in olive oil for a good while, until onion is transparent and mushrooms are cooked but still have a little bite left to them. Heat tortillas on stove and put mushroom mixture in tortillas with cheese, salsa, and sour cream. Enjoy!

Seriously, they were good. And it was nice to use up ingredients and still eat something appetizing.

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