We each brought food to share as well as a bottle of wine. :) We talked and ate for a few hours before we even looked at the books. It was fun to "shop" for free and tell each other about the books we brought. I left with five books:
*Babylon Revisited by F. Scott Fitzgerald
*The Bronze Horseman by Paulina Simons
*The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb
*Rosie by Anne Lammott
*Get a Financial Life by Beth Kobliner (review to follow, when I read it)
We still had about 15 books left, so we decided to hold on to them and do another swap in a few months, hopefully getting even more people to show up. It was so fun to hang out and talk books, and get to take home some new ones at the end of the night. I highly recommend throwing a book swap as a frugal get together!
Can't wait to do it again. I'm starting with About a Boy and then plan to read the Malcom X autobio!