Monday, November 21, 2011

No Spend November Week 3

Here's the recap on how many No Spend Days I had last week...

Tuesday: Michael's for craft supplies for Christmas presents. Spent around $40.
Wednesday: Book club, bought Panera for dinner. Spent around ten bucks.
Thursday: No spend! I had parent conferences, so this was a crazy long day at work. BF made dinner, and I didn't really have time to spend anyway.
Friday: Dinner out with BF, $29
Saturday: Grocery store-spent $90, but meat and soda were on sale, so I stocked up. BF paid for the drive-in since I drove.
Sunday: $20 worth of gas in my car. $20 for tickets to the LA Auto Show. BF loves going. I also paid $4 for parking.
Monday: No spend!

So, once again I only came up with two No Spend Days. This brings my grand total for the month up to six. :/ I need to come up with five more days in the next nine days. Eek! Tomorrow's out as I need to get a gift for my student teacher whose last day is Wednesday. But I think I can pull off a no spend Wednesday and Thursday, and I'm pretty determined to make the other three happen. I do think I saved money this month, since I held off on lots of little things to make the no spends happen. I only stopped for breakfast on the way to work once this month, which is a vast improvement from last month's laziness.

Anyone else doing No Spend goals? How are they going?


  1. I fail with no spend days, so to me, you're doing great.

  2. I've been having the hardest time with no spend days because I have 2 people to keep track of...myself and my husband! Though we communicate about it, it's still been difficult to manage to get more no spend days in this month.
    However, we have managed a few, and we've been doing really well with keeping the buffer in our checking account, so I think that we are at least a little successful!

  3. Good job on the no spends! Two weeks ago I was got coffee from McDonalds every day for a week. Then... I bought more coffee and some excellent flavored creamer. Is excellent a flavor? Since then I've been trying to cut back on my spending. The problem is my husband and I spend A LOT on the weekends. I really want to start having more stay at home weekends. We just don't have any time during the week to run errands. He leaves home at 5:00 am every day and comes home around 7 every night. Hopefully we can come up with a solution. Even if you only had two no spend days-it is still two days of saving. :)You are doing a great job!

  4. Good job! I only had one no spend day in the last week which really is not enough. Good luck with your goal!

  5. That's awesome. I used to think that no spend days were a waste of time, but I can see how it can help you save. I agree with a previous commenter that we spend way too much during the weekend. I live a mile away from work and so stopping for breakfast would mean going out of my way to buy something. Also I come home for lunch and I am always able to whip up a salad or a sandwich for lunch. I am a trooper during the weekdays, but everything goes south during the weekends. Last weekend was a such a spectacular fail - we ended up eating out/takeout for 4 meals! Maybe I should try to do no spend weekends.
    PS. I think you are doing really well with this challenge

  6. One should be careful while spending. Should become spendthrift.

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